Sunday, April 15, 2012

Flat Barnubus Soars with Eagles Again

Welcome to another day with Grampa and Gramma.
It's Friday, April 13th. This could be a bad sign. But, thankfully, it starts of with a purr, even though Abby isn't sure about me. I get to write today.

First thing: water Ashlyn's herb garden.
Very easy: I just slide in between the pots and spray away. Now, off to school.

Look! It's April and there is still frost. I wish Hunter had packed my jacket. At least we could go inside right away, Gramma said.

Gramma had a parent conference in the morning, so I ate breakfast with the sixth graders. They talked about basketball, wrestling, track, and four-wheeling. Sound familiar?

I had to hang with the big kids today. I spent most of the day in Gramma's pocket so I could keep an eye on things and so I wouldn't get lost in the shuffle of kids moving in and out.   

The seventh grade kids were writing essays to persuade people. I learned about concession and rebuttal. It's like when Hunter wanted a dog, but his parents wouldn't let him. He wrote them letters trying to persuade them to get a puppy. He persuaded them by showing them how responsible he could be around the house. He needed concession/rebuttal: "I know you think I'm just a little kid, but look how I can do my chores without being reminded." He might have gotten Sugar a lot sooner with this strategy.

He could have used "Persuasive BEARS too." Like, Ryal, he said for E Expert, "Professor U Gotpunked stated that 'if you take a long outdoor break from school, you will learn easier.'" I think he was trying to persuade the school board to keep the Lost Lake camping trip for their fourth grade students.

But it wasn't all work for the seventh grade. The first through sixth grade students go to Owhi Lake for a day to learn about outdoor safety and forestry. All the students get to draw for the Owhi Lake Day t-shirt design. Here's one I helped with. We chose to use rock painting from the area in our design.

I did decide to take a nap, though. It's so easy to slip back into my envelope. I can just lift up the sides to see if I'm missing anything.

I love their cheese sandwiches, but tomato soup? Luckily, Hunter taught me to be polite and eat what my hosts served. I thanked them for lunch, and I did get to help serve. I met many more students. 

The lunch room is about as loud as dinner time at the Hunter's house because it seems every one is chattering at once with so much to share about their days.

Whoa! I even worked in the office for a while -- answering the phone and calling people on the intercom. My arms arms are pretty short, so I really got my stretches in today, reaching for all the right buttons. Luckily I've been hanging out with Hunter who can push those iPhone screens pretty fast. I wonder what Dillon is reading today in his Kindle Fire? Or, is he sneaking in a game....

You aren't going to believe this. On my way back to Gramma's room after lunch and secretary work, I spotted a Golden Eagle in the glass display case. Monte Joseph, a tribal elder, honored the students and staff here by giving them his Golden Eagle. Only Native Americans can possess eagles; they are sacred to their culture and bald eagles are our national bird.

Here I am: a little Eaglet protected by this Golden Eagle!

I learned a lot from Golden Eagle. Do you see what he taught me?

5Bs: Be Here. Be kind. Be Respectful. Be Safe. Be Productive.

Now, time for the sixth grade. This is a long day. Gramma has a hard job. She is always on the go: meetings, teaching, conferences, teaching, teaching, teaching, conferences, meetings, webinars. I'm exhausted.

The sixth grade students are writing Thank You letters to Mrs. Armstrong-Montes who is retiring after 37 years at this school; she's the one who takes the fourth grade students to Lost Lake for outdoor education for one week. They are writing about their memories. They learned about loons, water conservation and health, swim safety, cultural history, canoeing, fishing, art, and much more. I might come live with Gramma when I am in fourth grade.

By now, I was really exhausted. I thought I was getting sick. Gramma took me to Nurse Betsy right by the office. She took my temperature and said I was just tired, no temp. She said I should rest a while until Gramma is ready to go home.

So I did. (rest)

Gramma even took me to the Chief Joseph Rest Area !

Gramma said I couldn't leave until I learned some stories from Coyote.

Gramma stuck me up there with Sticky Notes! That was a good thing, because you can see how high up I am and it was a windy day. You know I'm afraid of heights!

Be sure to click the Legends link to read the stories. I 
especially like "The Race Between Turtle and Frog." Who do you think won?

Whew! I took a nap on the way home to get Pooka and go for awalk. That's in the next post! 

What do you think of my visit so far?

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