Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekend Warrior

Yes, Saturday is weeding day.

If you want a garden, you have to weed.
If you don't, they'll go to seed.
Then the weeds will grow 'til fall
Over your flowers, which will be small.

Fortunately, in Gramma's yard
Fairies fly in and quarters discard
Into this basket and under the rocks; its
For kids like me to put in our pockets.

Hey, I'm a poet and didn't know it!

I also helped Grampa get rid of the snow tires, but Grampa has that picture.

Grampa worked so hard that he invited the neighbors to go with us to the Hartline Recreation Cafe -- with live music!  Rockin' live music. Rockabilly music with the group called the 45s.

I got to sing with the lead singer and guitar:

I rocked on bass! Whoa, am I cool or what?

And the drummer brought the snare drum out for me to really rock!

Just when I thought the roof was about to rock off, we had to go home. And just when I thought I was the rockin-est, coolest dude on the planet, a slug tackled me.

It just goes to show you: no one is too cool.

You gotta always "be real."
Yes, and Saturday and Sunday, you still have to walk Pooka. And look what was by our tire!

Fresh! Coyote! Poop!

No other sign of coyote, though.

They just disappear into the sagebrush.

Very cool.

And remember those flowers from Friday? We found some blooming! You can see the last year's wilted flowers beneath and around the new green leaves. Awesome
Next stop:

Democratic caucus at Mansfield High School. Very official.

We had to sign in and listen to an agenda and choose our candidate for President of the United States. We all chose delegates who would represent the candidates to nominate Barack Obama. He's already President, and we decided to keep him.

Information: PBS: Primaries   Congress for Kids on Primaries

Now we are going GEOCACHING !
That is treasure hunting !

Here we are at Yeager Rock.

Yeager Rock is a rock dropped by melting glaciers; it's called an erratic. Remember that the area north of Gramma's house was once covered in glaciers!

Grampa and I look for the treasure.

It's a huge basalt rock, split in two.

We found it!

We signed our names in the geocache log.

Then we tucked it all away, hiding everything back even better than we found it.

I checked it out by sliding in and around the pile of rocks to make sure no one could see the canister easily. It's a treasure hunt, after all.

Next stop: the world's largest waterfall-- without water!

Dry Falls.


Just kidding.

The wind kept grabbing me, so I had to always tuck my feet into crevices to ground myself.

I am here.  X


Dry Falls.

More Dry Falls

The Ice Age

More Dry Falls

Hey, Hunter! Do you see all the boats in the water?

Great fishing!

Read it!

The flood!

Last look, hanging on!

When you go exploring, your car gets dirty!

And we get thirsty and hungry!

I even gave Pooka a treat, part of my cheese sandwich.

And, just a block from home: Grand Coulee Dam!

How about that weekend!

I thought I'd end with one of Gramma's posters.

See you later, alligator.

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