Monday, May 18, 2015

Last Day

It's the last day before I get packed up into a box with my story. I hope you check out the blog:  to read the posts and watch the videos.

What happened on the last day?  Quite a bit!

First, I made friends with Abby and her friend KiKi, who is a little white cat with green eyes that Abby brought home.

Abby kept a watch out for Bad Cat.

And when Gramma walked by, she said, "Who is that?"

I said, "It's Abby's friend, KiKi.  Some one abandoned her across the street in the juniper bushes where she will surely get eaten by Bad Cat."

"Oh dear. We can't have three cats!  We already have two plus Thunder."

"Well," I suggested, "Maybe I could take her home!"

"Great idea!"

So, Flat KiKi and Flat Hannah will be best buds.  I like it already, because Flat KiKi discovered something about Gramma's house: fairies !  Be sure to click the fairies link to read about how they stop by Gramma's house -- leaving found money!

And we found some under the wishing rocks!

So we walked over for ice cream at the gas station -- always Grampa's favorite thing to do.

Now -- be sure to get some cat food-- KiKi and I are on our way!

Colorama Day

Saturday morning is pretty peaceful around here: we sit with our coffee or tea and visit about the day, or whatever we are reading: newspaper, iPad, or story. I have my own little table and tea cup -- Earl Grey, just like Captain Picard on Star Trek.

Today we read the Colorama poster so we'd know what to do today.

We wandered around looking at booths, with me in Grampa's pocket.

and met up with cousin Ashlyn!  We wandered some more until Ashlyn found the Henna Tatoo booth.  She carefully picked a pretty one:

Now all that puffy stuff will fall off and leave a pretty rusty brown tattoo.  I really liked it, but you know adults.  They just don't think little kids should have tattoos.  We walked around a lot and I couldn't decide what to get with the money I earned from picking up the sticks. I really wanted that tattoo.  So I decided to walk around a lot.  That made my leg hurt and my cast itch.  I would say, "Oh, I have a cast on."  or "Oh, it itches."  and then, "I'd feel a lot better if I could rest, maybe at the henna place while I get a tattoo." Grampa and Gramma just laughed, but everyone loved Ashlyn's tattoo. And everyone was hot and tired and needed a place to rest, but I wouldn't let them. I would say, "Oh let's look at that booth." Or, "Come on, let's look at those purses." Until finally I led them back to the henna place. By this time Gramma and Grampa were reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyy tired. So I sat on the stool in the booth. And Grampa said, "Oh. Ok. They only last three weeks."  So, what do you think?  I chose the same one as Ashlyn!

Grampa said, "I think you are related to Sassafras. She gets her way too."

I can't wait until you see it.  Um. I didn't tell Gramma and Grampa, but tattoos last a lot longer on Flat people.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Cat's Meow

Did you know  Gramma and Grampa have two cats? There you see Flat Barnabus with the tabby cat named Abby. I've only seen him slink by me. Both the cats are scaredy cats and only come out when just Gramma and Grampa are home by themselves. Otherwise, they stay hidden.

One day I thought I saw the black cat, Stella, asleep in the cat tree.So I climbed up.

As I climbed up, a black paw reached down to give me a lift.  That's when I realized that this cat was not Gramma's cat! Gramma's black cat has white paws!  This was the neighbor's cat who often wanders in when the back door is open for Stella and Abby to go in and out.  He just ambles in like he owns the place, since he obviously does because he sleeps in the cat tree! Who is this black intruder? Thunder!

It's pretty peaceful napping with a cat.

They are alert to everything, even when they are sleeping. See how Thunder wakes right up when the other neighborhood cat peeks in? Bad Cat. He's wild, but he just peeks in to see if he can sneak in when no one's looking. But Thunder was guarding today!

You can see how Thunder eased over to protect me.

It's pretty nice to have a cat buddy that purrs and plays with you.


Just kidding!  Thunder was just yawning!

Wasn't this a great adventure?  Please comment in the comment box below.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Flat Hannah Change in Plans

I sleep really well with my buddy Bear. Notice I have matching bedding: pillow and blanket. Pretty cool.

I was supposed to be a photographer today with Grampa.
 This camera is a little heavy, but I can hold on tight and snap.

I was ready to go when a change in plans happened: Grampa had to stay in the office, so it was a boring day, until I got home to play in the yard. As soon as I got home, I dashed out into the back yard and climbed the lilac bush.  Of course, I could not get down because of my cast. Gramma said my middle name must be Jake.

I jumped out of Gramma's hands a fell into a soft cushion of snow-white flowers, the kind Pooka would lay on and get fuzzy seed-balls stuck in her fur.  I didn't get any though because they haven't grown yet.

 I smiled with Buddha and added a new necklace.
 I played kickball with Gramma.
 We rested in the swing.
 Then I earned five dollars picking up the twigs in the yard; I'm saving it for Colorama.
I  watered the flowers.
 And found a quarter in the fairy basket!

It was a fun day in the afternoon. Even though I had a change of plans, I still had a blast playing with Gramma.  I think she liked it too.

I fell asleep early.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

My day with a journalist

 I went with Hannah's grampa as he went about his job as a journalist and publisher of The Star newspaper in Grand Coulee.

I thought it might be boring, but when you're flat the possibilities are endless.

Haven't you always wanted to ride in the vacuum tube that sucks your parents' bank business up at the drive-up window at the bank?

I got to do that!



Haha! You should have seen the look on the teller's face when I popped out and said, "Hi!"

Next, we went to shoot photos of a race at Lake Roosevelt Elementary School.

Next: The rodeo!

This is the McMillan Family Trick Riders. They were performing their horse riding tricks at the rodeo in Grand Coulee.

I liked watching them better than watching guys riding bulls, because they are kids just like me, er, well, except not flat.

And one of them even has my name!

This is Hannah McMillan on her horse at the rodeo. Pretty cool trick, huh? The horse is galloping fast.

Then, we got to meet her!

We went back to her family's campsite by the corral. They will be performing in rodeos in 11 western states this year, so they camp a lot.

Hannah was really nice. But what what would you expect with a name like Hannah!

After a long day at the Colorama Rodeo and Festival, we finally got to go to a nice dinner at a restaurant called The Melody. That's Grand Coulee Dam in the background.

Thanks for following my adventure in the Coulee!