Monday, May 18, 2015

Colorama Day

Saturday morning is pretty peaceful around here: we sit with our coffee or tea and visit about the day, or whatever we are reading: newspaper, iPad, or story. I have my own little table and tea cup -- Earl Grey, just like Captain Picard on Star Trek.

Today we read the Colorama poster so we'd know what to do today.

We wandered around looking at booths, with me in Grampa's pocket.

and met up with cousin Ashlyn!  We wandered some more until Ashlyn found the Henna Tatoo booth.  She carefully picked a pretty one:

Now all that puffy stuff will fall off and leave a pretty rusty brown tattoo.  I really liked it, but you know adults.  They just don't think little kids should have tattoos.  We walked around a lot and I couldn't decide what to get with the money I earned from picking up the sticks. I really wanted that tattoo.  So I decided to walk around a lot.  That made my leg hurt and my cast itch.  I would say, "Oh, I have a cast on."  or "Oh, it itches."  and then, "I'd feel a lot better if I could rest, maybe at the henna place while I get a tattoo." Grampa and Gramma just laughed, but everyone loved Ashlyn's tattoo. And everyone was hot and tired and needed a place to rest, but I wouldn't let them. I would say, "Oh let's look at that booth." Or, "Come on, let's look at those purses." Until finally I led them back to the henna place. By this time Gramma and Grampa were reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyy tired. So I sat on the stool in the booth. And Grampa said, "Oh. Ok. They only last three weeks."  So, what do you think?  I chose the same one as Ashlyn!

Grampa said, "I think you are related to Sassafras. She gets her way too."

I can't wait until you see it.  Um. I didn't tell Gramma and Grampa, but tattoos last a lot longer on Flat people.

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