Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Cat's Meow

Did you know  Gramma and Grampa have two cats? There you see Flat Barnabus with the tabby cat named Abby. I've only seen him slink by me. Both the cats are scaredy cats and only come out when just Gramma and Grampa are home by themselves. Otherwise, they stay hidden.

One day I thought I saw the black cat, Stella, asleep in the cat tree.So I climbed up.

As I climbed up, a black paw reached down to give me a lift.  That's when I realized that this cat was not Gramma's cat! Gramma's black cat has white paws!  This was the neighbor's cat who often wanders in when the back door is open for Stella and Abby to go in and out.  He just ambles in like he owns the place, since he obviously does because he sleeps in the cat tree! Who is this black intruder? Thunder!

It's pretty peaceful napping with a cat.

They are alert to everything, even when they are sleeping. See how Thunder wakes right up when the other neighborhood cat peeks in? Bad Cat. He's wild, but he just peeks in to see if he can sneak in when no one's looking. But Thunder was guarding today!

You can see how Thunder eased over to protect me.

It's pretty nice to have a cat buddy that purrs and plays with you.


Just kidding!  Thunder was just yawning!

Wasn't this a great adventure?  Please comment in the comment box below.

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