Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Flat Hannah Change in Plans

I sleep really well with my buddy Bear. Notice I have matching bedding: pillow and blanket. Pretty cool.

I was supposed to be a photographer today with Grampa.
 This camera is a little heavy, but I can hold on tight and snap.

I was ready to go when a change in plans happened: Grampa had to stay in the office, so it was a boring day, until I got home to play in the yard. As soon as I got home, I dashed out into the back yard and climbed the lilac bush.  Of course, I could not get down because of my cast. Gramma said my middle name must be Jake.

I jumped out of Gramma's hands a fell into a soft cushion of snow-white flowers, the kind Pooka would lay on and get fuzzy seed-balls stuck in her fur.  I didn't get any though because they haven't grown yet.

 I smiled with Buddha and added a new necklace.
 I played kickball with Gramma.
 We rested in the swing.
 Then I earned five dollars picking up the twigs in the yard; I'm saving it for Colorama.
I  watered the flowers.
 And found a quarter in the fairy basket!

It was a fun day in the afternoon. Even though I had a change of plans, I still had a blast playing with Gramma.  I think she liked it too.

I fell asleep early.

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