Monday, May 18, 2015

Last Day

It's the last day before I get packed up into a box with my story. I hope you check out the blog:  to read the posts and watch the videos.

What happened on the last day?  Quite a bit!

First, I made friends with Abby and her friend KiKi, who is a little white cat with green eyes that Abby brought home.

Abby kept a watch out for Bad Cat.

And when Gramma walked by, she said, "Who is that?"

I said, "It's Abby's friend, KiKi.  Some one abandoned her across the street in the juniper bushes where she will surely get eaten by Bad Cat."

"Oh dear. We can't have three cats!  We already have two plus Thunder."

"Well," I suggested, "Maybe I could take her home!"

"Great idea!"

So, Flat KiKi and Flat Hannah will be best buds.  I like it already, because Flat KiKi discovered something about Gramma's house: fairies !  Be sure to click the fairies link to read about how they stop by Gramma's house -- leaving found money!

And we found some under the wishing rocks!

So we walked over for ice cream at the gas station -- always Grampa's favorite thing to do.

Now -- be sure to get some cat food-- KiKi and I are on our way!

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