Sunday, May 19, 2013

Eagles at Work

The school's mascot is the eagles. Here I am with two of the eagles around their school:

The first eagle is bronze and was donated to the school by the Friedlander family. It sits in the office.

The second is a golden eagle donated to the school by Monte Joseph, a descendent of Chief Joseph. His brother, Andrew, is currently a Colville Tribal Councilman and a School Board Director. Did you know that only Native Americans can possess eagles or eagle feathers? Eagles are part of their culture and traditions. Monte was a marine and attends every Veterans Day Assembly at our school. When his name was chosen to obtain an eagle that had died, he decided to donate it to our school.

I didn't attend this, but some of the students went on an eagle watching trip. Lots of bald eagles live here. Grampa is always taking pictures of them.

 This is an eagle if it works.

One of Grampa's photos

And the drum:

Next, I helped with chalk drawings on the side walk. Have you created any chalk drawings today?

Then I saw the water bottle volcanoes for second grade.
Here's another version.

When I get home, Dillon, we just have to make some!  Please????????

Then I attended culture class. I wanted to play lacrosse, a traditional Native American game, but we were learning the history of the horse instead.

Ever since the rodeo with grampa, I've loved horses.  Wouldn't it be fun to have your own horse, like many of the kids here have?

Time to go to the main building again.  If you look east, you can see the town.

Here's the scene from the north. Lots of places to ride four-wheelers, dirt bikes, and my favorite, horses.

In the staff room, I discovered the candy box, a place for staff to buy candy to support a scholarship.

My favorite: M and Ms.

Time to get back to class with Ms Edwards.

By the way, the animated gif is from Animation Factory.  Gramma says I have to cite my sources if I use other people's work, and I have to have permission to use it.  Gramma purchased this years ago when she was still creating web pages in Claris Home Page. Most people don't remember that anymore. She's old.

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