Sunday, May 19, 2013

Work in Class

Yes. I have to do school work with the kids. I don't get to loaf around. I tried to say I was too little for grades six, seven, and eight, but Gramma says she adapts the assignment for what the students need and she says I need practice with description.  I have to elaborate my ideas with images that create "mind movies" in the reader's mind. Boy, have you heard that? Me too. All teachers say that about writing.

All I said was, "I'm hungry for ice cream."

Gramma said to write about it.

I wrote, "I want ice cream."

"Elaborate," Ms Edwards said. "Describe it -- describe what you like about it."

"It tastes good," I replied.

"Describe what it looks or feels like."

I could tell I needed to do more or I probably would have to stay in at lunch for study hall.

Here I am at my own desk:

Since I couldn't really see and Ms Edwards had to constantly kneel to help me, I was able to sit on top of a desk.

By this time, everyone else was reading in their own books. But I had to write my elaborated description. Since I didn't bring a book to class, Gramma (Ms Edwards) suggested I finish my ice cream description.

Here it is -- just click the image to make it bigger.

Ha!  I got a 4 for "descriptive imagery." How about that !

This has been a great day.  The only thing better would be if I had a horse of my very own to ride.

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