Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Walk, Hike, Food

Here we are on another hike. Pooka is carrying me. For an old dog, she sure is kind. That is the Grand Coulee Dam in front of Pooka. It is not the biggest dam in the world, but it is amazing. That part in front of the lake is one mile long! Wowser!  Next week we get to walk across it on another walk, this won will be to raise money for our new school.

Here's some more information about this dam, which irrigates thousands of acres of land, prevents flooding, and generates electricity for much of Western USA.

Star Visitor's Guide

US Bureau of Reclamation

After a walk like Charlie's we need nourishment and the Siam Palace offered 20% off if we wore our t-shirts from the race, so we did. I was restless by then and started climbing the walls. But you know Gramma, she just had another sip of tea.  Grampa, on the other hand, said I had to behave and climb back down.

Gramma made the picture on her iPhone with an app called Visual Poetry. You can get it on your iPad too.

What did you do to exercise today?

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