Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Flat George Walks to Help

Important things happen in this area that kids start. We walked three miles along the river to help Charlie Knight raise money for prevent domestic violence. See me hitching a ride? With my shortness, I would have gotten stomped by all the people helping with this cause.

Charlie is only a senior in high school, but she has quite a story to tell, and a wish to help others. Every senior completes a project, but this one rallied the community to a cause to prevent this problem. You can read Charlie's story here.

Here we are walking the path, which goes right by Ashlyn's gramma's house!

We are the last ones in the race, but we walked the whole three miles. We decided to to talk a drive, and what did we see?

We saw deer!  See just above my head. They are really tiny deer; I hope he doesn't poop on my head.
Just kidding!  I'm in the car and the deer is far away on the hillside.

You can see him again just below my arm. See the deer?

Finally we took Pooka for one of her favorite walks, but she just was so tired she lay down in the grass. It was a fun day and we helped out a lot of people by registering for the Walk To Fight Domestic Violence.

What did you do to help someone today?

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